End of Day 8, Beginning Day 9 - CIW March for Rights, Respect and Fair Food (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

On Sunday evening, marchers and the community will gather at Bradenton's brand-new, waterfront Riverwalk for an evening of education and community building. At the outdoor Mosaic Ampitheather, the community can enjoy music by the many musicians who will be joining the march, and presentations by CIW members about their trek thus far and the message of the historic New Day taking root in the Florida tomato fields today. Riverfront-Pavilion-and-Mosaic-Amphithea

End Sunday, March 10th

Start Monday, March 11th

Mapa del lugar de interés End of Day 8, Beginning Day 9

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de End of Day 8, Beginning Day 9 , con el API de Google Street View

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