4th Night Kruger - Anka, Unni and Tom Tour. (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

We will now be in the routine of early mornings and will be happy to start our day in the early morning before the sun rises. We will depart on an early morning drive and try to find any large predators that have been hunting in the area.

This morning you also have the option of going on a game walk, Here an armed ranger will take you on a walk through the wild bush and show you smaller things you may not have seen from a vehicle. If you are lucky you may see some of the large mammals from foot, an exceptional experience, this is an optional activity, so it is up to you whether you would like to go, for this reason it is not included in the tour price, it will be an extra R300 per person to participate in the guided walk.

We will have lunch at our camp and relax during the heat of the day.

This afternoon we will depart on another afternoon game drive and hopefully tick some more animals off your list. This evening you will have the opportunity to go on a night drive. Here you go on a drive in an open safari vehicle armed with high powered spot lights which a ranger will use to find some rare nocturnal animals. If you are lucky this can be a very rewarding experience, if you are unlucky it can be a drive in the dark. this is also an optional activity and is not included in the price, if you like to take the opportunity it will cost an extra R200.

Tonight dinner will be at camp and it is the same camp as the previous night.

Mapa del lugar de interés 4th Night Kruger

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de 4th Night Kruger, con el API de Google Street View

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