8th Night, Umdloti Beach - Anka, Unni and Tom Tour. (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

We will go on one last early morning game drive at sunrise today, this will be our last very early morning for a while. We will have one last game drive to try and find your special photograph. There is another big african craft market that we will stop at before we travel towards the west to the amazing beaches of the Dolphin coast.

It is a 4 hour drive to the beach side just north of Durban, we will be staying at a beach cottage a short walk from the beach. We will have lunch when we arrive and then go to the biggest shopping mall in the southern hemisphere, The Gateway.

Here we will restock all our supplies and you will have some time to do some shopping of your own. The afternoon will be spent soaking up the sun and enjoying the sound of the waves and warmth of the Indian ocean. The Indian ocean in this area has a year round temperature of around 20’C, which is comfortable to swim in or you can just take a leisurely walk along the beach at sunset.

Tonight we will be staying at Drifters Dolphin Coast Lodge


Mapa del lugar de interés 8th Night, Umdloti Beach

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de 8th Night, Umdloti Beach, con el API de Google Street View

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