Grandmother's Farm - Florida Farms & Ranches Listed on (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

De Leon Springs, FL. Beef, herbs, vegetables, hanging baskets, fruit trees.

Grandmother's Farm is a natural sustainable grass based farm cared for by my wife and I with our nine children. The farm name is a tribute to "Bami," the children's grandmother, who loved the beauty of the farm and having her grandchildren be part of it with her.

Although we are not certified organic, all of our pastures are managed organically and we do not use hormones, steroids, antibiotics or chemical wormers in our production. Our pastures are fertilized and kept pest-free strictly by organic methods. We have high quality, tender, grassfed and grass finished beef available by request. Our cows do not just stand on grass while they eat grain and chemical laden additives, grass and high quality hay is the entire diet. This is a point you need to investigate whenever you think you are buying grassfed beef. Depending on the time of year, we may also have organically grown herbs, vegetables, hanging baskets, and fruit trees.

E-mail us for beef availability. We do not ship and prefer to sell locally.

We also offer organic landscape management and pasture restoration services under the name Organic by Design. We can get you off the water polluting and health destroying monthly chemical spray and fertilization treadmill.

Grandmother's Farm, Jeff Brower,  De Leon Springs, FL 32130.

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