Uruk, Iraq - Great Cities of the Ancient World (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Uruk, Iraq


Image Credit - World Picture Service.

The world's first city led the way in organised government, urban planning and architectural monument design as well as holding a large population of up to 50,000 people in 3000BC within its city wall. As the largest settlement of its day, the city was a powerful political force and major trading partner, located close to the Euphrates river. The city set the trend for future civilisations by operating with a well run government, organised religion and impressive public structures.

Agriculture, textile and cultural works dominated the city's industry, and trade agreements with neighbouring regions were set up to bring in construction materials and precious stones. The organisation and efficiency of the city allowed for it to be a major city for the following three millennium. Over time, the city eventually lost its prominence to other regions, and today it lies in ruins in the Iraqi desert.

Read more about Uruk, Iraq over at Heritage Key!

Mapa del lugar de interés Uruk, Iraq

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fotografía panorámica de Uruk, Iraq, con el API de Google Street View

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