Sultaniya, Mausoleum of Il-Khan Oljeitu 1307-1313 - History of Islamic Architecture (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

This marker is part of an extended History of Islamic Architecture

Sultaniyya, Iran
Mausoleum of Sultan Muhammad Oljeitu Khudabanda
1307- 1313
The central magnet of Soltaniyeh's several ruins is the Mausoleum of Il-khan �ljeitü, traditionally known as the Dome of Soltaniyeh.

The structure, erected between 1307 and 1313, boasts the oldest double-shell dome in the world. Its importance in Islamic architecture may be compared to that of Brunelleschi's Florentine cupola for the West. The Dome of Soltaniyya paved the way for more daring Muslim cupola constructions, such as the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasavi and Taj Mahal. Much of the exterior decoration has been lost, but the interior retains superb mosaics, faience, and murals.

The mausoleum under reconstruction in 1999.


Sulimaniyy TombCeiling.jpg

Polichrome plaster in the vault


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Mapa del lugar de interés Sultaniya, Mausoleum of Il-Khan Oljeitu 1307-1313

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