BANH XEO - Bún th?t n??ng, Banh Xeo - Nonna Chong's Hanoi Street Food other things. (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

3A Tô Hi?n Thành (near Ph? Hu?)

This spot serves the ever so delicious

Bún th?t n??ng (grilled beef or pork on rice vermicelli and salad) - 40,000 vnd
Bánh xèo (crispy savoury pancake) - 20,000vnd each
Ph? cu?n (grilled meat wrapped in fresh rice noodle) - 50,000vnd for 10 rolls

Mapa del lugar de interés BANH XEO - Bún th?t n??ng, Banh Xeo

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de BANH XEO - Bún th?t n??ng, Banh Xeo, con el API de Google Street View

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