BEEF STEAK & SEA SHELLS - Nonna Chong's Hanoi Street Food other things. (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

3 Hòe Nhai - Bít t?t & ?c bi?n

This spot is so popular, it seems to take up half the street occupying several shop fronts.  They specialise in tasty bít t?t (Vietnamese beefsteak on a sizzling hotplate with fried eggs and fries - 60k per serve). In the evenings, the also sell a range of fresh sea shells and snails  if the greasy goodness of the steak is too much.
The mien xao tom (stirfried glass noodles with shrimp) is highly recommended and a bargain for 50k a serve.  If you're hungry, get a set for two people of 2 bit tet, a mien xao and cha da for 150k!


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