MISSING: 10/01 2AM - Tongko Family, Mr. Ramon & Mrs. Neony - Typhoon Ondoy Missing Persons (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Ramon J. Tongko Sr.(71yo) and Neony O. Tongko (blind) (65yo), spoken to them last Saturday afternoon (Sept 26, 2009) They live in 3343 San Jose St. Sta. Mesa Samp. (between Pureza and Vicente Cruz) and the said area where flooded waist/thigh deep. Unable to contact by landlines nor mobile since. Wish information that they are safe and sound.

Source: Ramon Tongko (Son) ramon@sasinternasional.com (+6281310077716)

Mapa del lugar de interés MISSING: 10/01 2AM - Tongko Family, Mr. Ramon & Mrs. Neony

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de MISSING: 10/01 2AM - Tongko Family, Mr. Ramon & Mrs. Neony , con el API de Google Street View

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