MISSING: 10/03 5PM - Cambronero, Mary Grace and Glicerio "Mandy Toto" - Typhoon Ondoy Missing Persons (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Female, male 36, 80 lives in Antipolo Mary Grace and her husband, whose name is Robert, is also blind. They are massage reflexologists, as is Many Toto, the father. Robert is also a musician and plays in a band made up of blind musicians. They used to live in a big house with a lot of blind people, but they may have moved out and rented another house alone.

Source: Merlinda Salvador 9086863561 Family has lost contact and is concerned about their well-being.

Mapa del lugar de interés MISSING: 10/03 5PM - Cambronero, Mary Grace and Glicerio "Mandy Toto"

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