First ride downtown to the Farmer's market with the girls

0: Committing to go downtown
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1: Cyclocross with a track bike and trailer
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2: Backtracking
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3: Farmers' market
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4: Home
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Committing to go downtown

_SnapToRoads: true

Más sobre Committing to go downtown

1: Cyclocross with a track bike and trailer

Much of the path is unsurfaced here, suggest not going this way on a road bike unless you like to carry it.

Más sobre Cyclocross with a track bike and trailer

2: Backtracking

The trail ends at a creek bed, had to backtrack a bit.

Más sobre Backtracking

3: Farmers' market

_SnapToRoads: true

Más sobre Farmers' market

4: Home

Lots of detours, but a super easy ride.

Más sobre Home


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