“The people who knew the city best of all [tended] to rely more upon small landmarks and less upon either regions or paths.” LYp49I discovered a path weaving through a city. This path was chartered territory I never knew existed. I thought I knew this city’s places and spaces. Most were so familiar; I could walk the city with my head down. Homeless people became corner checkpoints at Madison and Wells. The Chicago Pedway is a unique underbelly view of Chicago’s grid system. The path led me into unfamiliar space. Our tour guide would have to orient us when passing under major landmarks including the Atrium Mall, Macy’s, and the Chicago Cultural Center. The opportunity to experience Macy’s dry, fluorescent lit pedway space used by homeless people, made me realize that places viewed as unused spaces, void and empty, are ruled out as designable space. Hidden places in the spaces underneath the city. I now chuckle at the large majority of subjects who think they know “Chicago.” Barb

0: Atrium Mall
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1: Chicago Cultural Center
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2: Macy's
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Atrium Mall

Atrium Outdoor


Atrium Indoor

The Atrium Mall, also referred to as the Thompson Center was designed by architect, Helmet Jahn. When looking at this oddly shaped building from the outside it looks like an overwhelming place, however. If you have the opportunity to see the internal space and how it's used, the shape makes more sense. This government center was intended to represent big government. The daily functions being performed in these government offices are shaped by the odd space in which they conduct their everyday tasks.

Más sobre Atrium Mall

1: Chicago Cultural Center

Cultural Center Outdoor


Cultural Center Indoor

The Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago's original library is a place that has very unique spaces inside. The outside of the building is a resprentation of a historic building in Chicago which served as a library. The modern space is now used as a center for all people. A space to relax and study in, walk around and view art/scuptures/plays/concerts. The cultural center is a place that is uses its space as a tool to engage and educate others.

Más sobre Chicago Cultural Center

2: Macy's

Macy's Outdoor (Originally Marshall Fields)IMG_3769.JPG


Macy's Indoor IMG_3604.JPGMacy's was an intersting place. The facade was old and worn, but is preserved well. The building cosmetics were tidy, inclduing the sparkling clean windows and doors, etc. There were  minimal amounts of peddlers begging outside of Macy's. However, the place drastically changes right under your feet. The space changes from magnificant elegance, to a place filled with the reminents of a homeless persons belongings. Under the Macy's building there is a space that is enclosed, dry, and empty on beautiful days, but bustling with the less fortunate when days become gray.

Más sobre Macy's


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