Cardiff Trail Scrubs Ely Trail litter pick Sat 2

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0: Ely Trail target area
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1: Ely Trail target area
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2: Ely Trail target area
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3: Ely Trail target area
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4: Meeting point 11am Sat 25th Feb
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5: Target area endpoint
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6: Placemark 3
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Ely Trail target area

Más sobre Ely Trail target area

1: Ely Trail target area

Más sobre Ely Trail target area

2: Ely Trail target area

Más sobre Ely Trail target area

3: Ely Trail target area

Más sobre Ely Trail target area

4: Meeting point 11am Sat 25th Feb

We will meet here and then make our way down the trail

Más sobre Meeting point 11am Sat 25th Feb

5: Target area endpoint

We will attempt to reach the end of the trail at Leckwith road and then make our way back to meet at the meeting point at 2pm

Más sobre Target area endpoint

6: Placemark 3

there is parking along Sanatorium road

Más sobre Placemark 3


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