4.82 mi - Length [existing 2.82]54 min - Max Trvl Time [existing 33]14 min/loop - Max Trvl Time [existing 33]20 stops total [existing 21]353 ft/stop (adjusted) [existing 744]6 buses required at 10-min Headways [existing 4]A conceptual alternative routing for the free VanGo shuttle in Silver Spring. The existing line is a rather discontinuous loop that only stops at the Metro station once. My version forms two loops which tie into each other, enabling a single continuous line that provides bidirectional service. This alternative provides direct paths between the residences of the west, offices of the core, and the food/retail along the Georgia & Fenton corridors.

0: VanGo
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2: Fenton/Roeder
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3: Library
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4: Fenton/SilverSpring
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5: Fenton/Gist
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6: 29/410
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7: 410/BlairMill/Newell
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8: 410/Giant
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9: 390/410
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10: 390/Spring
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11: 2nd/Cameron
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12: SSTC-W
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13: 410/Giant-S
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14: Kennett/Newell
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15: 29/410
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16: 29/SilverSpring
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17: SSTC-N
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18: 2nd/Cameron
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19: 2nd/Spring
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20: 390/410
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

2: Fenton/Roeder

Más sobre Fenton/Roeder

4: Fenton/SilverSpring

Más sobre Fenton/SilverSpring

7: 410/BlairMill/Newell

Más sobre 410/BlairMill/Newell

10: 390/Spring

May require curb modifications to provide a broken-back curve, enabling a straight area for a bus stop (if necessary). Otherwise just shift later along Spring to the existing stop.

Más sobre 390/Spring

11: 2nd/Cameron

Más sobre 2nd/Cameron

13: 410/Giant-S

Más sobre 410/Giant-S

14: Kennett/Newell

Más sobre Kennett/Newell

16: 29/SilverSpring

Más sobre 29/SilverSpring

18: 2nd/Cameron

Más sobre 2nd/Cameron

19: 2nd/Spring

Más sobre 2nd/Spring


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